Case Studies
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Projects Aldas have been involved with
Erneley Close
Refurbished / EnerPHit / Domestic
The first major EnerPHit project in the UK, the two run-down Erneley close social housing blocks were transformed with full enveloping, airtightness and MVHR systems.
Agar Grove
Newbuild / Passivhaus / Domestic
The Agar Grove estate in Camden, North London, is being re-developed in stages to provide new build Passivhaus accommodation, ultimately delivering over 500 units.
St Sidwells Point Leisure Centre
Newbuild / Passivhaus / Commercial
St Sidwells Point is the first UK leisure facility built to the Passivhaus standard. Aldas provided airtightness design guidance and extensive preliminary air leakage investigations.
Larch House
Newbuild / Passivhaus / Domestic
A timber triumph matching Passivhaus levels of efficiency with low carbon materials, together with an Air Source Heat Pump & PV array, this rural home strives for net-zero aspirations.
Meridian Court
Refurbished / Commercial
This project involved the refurbishment of 4 floors of ground floor to fourth floor operational office space at the NSS facilities located at Meridian Court, Cadogan Street, Glasgow.
Refurbished / Commercial & Domestic
Aldas were asked to investigate the source of air leaks at Ecotecture’s commercial offices. After a thorough investigation Aldas were able to identify and provide remedial works advice.
Swindon LA House
Ex – Local Authority House / Refurb / Domestic
Aldas were asked to investigate this end of terrace property to demonstrate to the owner the sources of air leakage and how this is effecting his utility bills. He was then able to make some informed decisions.
Mereside Primary School
School / Pre – Improvement investigations /Commercial
Aldas were asked to carry out an audit of Mereside Primary school in Shrewsbury to check the buildings performance and provide remedial feedback on its current airtightness.
Airtightness Practical Training
Event Case Study- NSBRC
Aldas & LABC Practical Training
Aldas in conjunction with the LABC (Local Authority Building Control) created a unique half day practical training event to teach delegates about effective Airtightness delivery.
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